Animals in the Circus – an exhibition at the TIERART Wild Animal Sanctuary

Once upon a time – animals in the circus

WHEN: can be visited as part of our guided tours
WHERE: on the TIERART grounds


A circus is a place to laugh and dream, one would think. But circus animals suffer tremendously from completely inadequate housing and care, constant transports and dressage that is contrary to animal welfare.

Siberian tigress, Varvara, travelled for 12 years with different circuses all over Europe. For her, this life is history, because in September 2015 she was rescued and brought to the TIERART Wild Animal Sanctuary where she spent 7 wonderful years until she died at the age of almost 20 years of age.

For many other wild animals, this is still the sad everyday life. Experience in our exhibition what life in the ring and a tiny transport cage feels like.

Guided tours

Guided tours take place every Saturday, Sunday and on public holidays. Discover our different offers here.

Circus exhibition at TIERART

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